Getting started

Below are the available pre-built Hero Section Components. More components are added overtime.

Hero 1

Link the following stylesheet to your html for this component to display properly:

<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="css/index.css">

You should also remove any other Hero Sections related stylesheets.

  <section class="hero_section_wrapper">
    <!--<div class="particles" id="particles-js"></div>-->
    <h1 class="hero_heading">The perfect <span>boilerplate</span> to launch your start-up in <span>days</span></h1>
    <p class="hero_sub_heading">Make your First Online $ Faster. Build Secure, Scalable SaaS Products or Any Other Web App with Pre-Built Features.</p>
    <button onclick="get_product_1()" class="hero_btn">Get FasterNode</button>